Trinidad Bitoman
How can I help you improve your health?
My passion is fitness and wellbeing. I use physical activity as one of my medicines, not only to look after my body but also to help me through personal, emotional challenges. I love sharing my experience and supporting people who might be going through a healing process of managing their mental wellbeing. I have a strong belief that fitness has a transformational power on us.
When it comes to training, I love using a combination of strength and
conditioning, as it helps to boost my energy and is a great way to become
strong and fit.
What my Clients say:
been training with Trini for about 2 years. The 12 week programme is the most
efficient for me: It forces me to stay consistent and you can see the results
in the first couple of weeks. A workout with Trini is the guarantee of a good
sweat but also a good laugh. Don’t expect someone that will just count your
reps and force you into their programme. With Trini my programme evolves after
each session; she finds alternatives to exercises I can’t perform well or that
I don’t enjoy; she also finds some creative ways to make things work when we
train outside. Trini makes workout fun and something I look forward to in my
day which I never thought will be possible!”