Elisha Edwards
How can I help you improve your health?
- Sports Nutrition Advisor
- Creating a sustainable & healthy lifestyle
- Special interest in female hormone health
Elisha has a background in Psychology and has spent time in the NHS as a Dietitian Assistant. She has a specialist interest in nutrition and women’s health. She has spent time learning more around female hormones, digestion, stress & sleep and how these factors interact with nutrition & fitness.
In terms of training, Elisha has helped clients whose goals range from fat loss, toning, muscle gain and increased energy levels. She adapts programmes around her client’s day to day needs including their menstrual cycle, recovery, or menopause symptoms. Whilst doing this, she priorities functional training that allows the individual to feel more confident in their abilities within daily life.
She helps her clients create a sustainable lifestyle. She emphasises the importance of learning how you can incorporate the things you love into your life rather than excluding them. Elisha has helped clients feel more confident and energetic both physically and mentally.
My qualifications
- BSc Psychology
- L2 Gym & L3 Personal Trainer
- L4 Sports Nutrition Advisor
- EIQ Nutrition
What my Clients say:
"After working with Elisha, I am much stronger now with more energy than before. I can keep up with all my social plans as well as fit workouts easily in my week. I feel more confident in myself and I have my spark back again!"