Joint Pain Advice Hub
Delve into our bank of expert advice to help you improve your pain symptoms and live positively with joint pain.
Exercise and joint pain
“I don't do that exercise because it's bad for my joints.”
This assumption that exercise damages your joints has been found to be false. In fact studies conducted over the past decade have shown that exercise helps to both build healthy cartilage and to build support around the joints, keeping them stronger for longer.
Try our clinically-devised workout for joint pain
Living positively with chronic pain
How to take charge of your pain
- Plan daily activities to avoid burn out
- Schedule in time to relax
- Exercise to release endorphins
- Appreciate the small things in life
Managing pain without painkillers
Top pain relief tip
When you're stressed you tense your body, putting pressure on the nerves around the source of the pain and making it even more painful. If you're feeling stressed, take slow, deep breaths to relax your muscles.
The effect of excess weight
Your hips, ankles and knees are load-bearing joints, supporting your body and carrying all the weight. The heavier you are, the more pressure there is on your joints and the faster they will wear out. When climbing up and down the stairs, the load on your knees is roughly seven times your body weight.
- Losing a stone will take around seven stone off your knee joint with every step
- Someone weighing 60kg could burn up to 100 calories with a 20-minute walk
- It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full, so eat slowly and consciously.
The role of rest and recovery
Joint pain management is all about balance. While resting too much can cause the joints to become stiff and immobile, rest and sleep allow your body to recover, so it’s good to know when to take the gas off.
When to ease off
- If you notice increased pain
- If you experience swelling
- If you feel excess heat in your joints.
Limit weight-bearing activities and break down larger activities into smaller tasks.
Joint Pain Programme journal
Here's your journal, which you'll complete throughout the programme.
Simply click the button below to download your journal, and you'll be able to:
- ✓
set goals
✓ log your exercise
✓ work through the 9 emotional wellbeing steps
✓ get tips and advice along the way.